I’m Eduardo de Diego, and I’ve been dedicated to engineering for over 25 years—a field I’m passionate about for the challenges and opportunities it offers. I have found in technology a path to overcome challenges and provide real solutions. Throughout my career, from my time at INTA to my current role as CTO at UTEK and SmartHaps, I’ve always had a clear vision: technology should serve to improve people's lives.
Specializing in unmanned systems has been, for me, an exciting technical challenge and an opportunity to make a difference. In a rapidly growing sector, I saw the opportunity to contribute something valuable, especially in the marine field. Designing technologies that protect people and assist them in difficult situations has been one of the driving forces that has kept me moving forward in this journey.
For me, engineering is much more than solving technical problems: it’s a constant learning process and a way to leave a mark, always focused on the positive impact we can create. This is how I understand my work, and this is how I want to share it with you.
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